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Friday, 3 May 2013

Finding the Best Duvet for Your Bedding Needs

A bedroom simply isn’t complete until the right duvet is purchased and put in place. It is the lynchpin that brings everything else together, so you want to be sure to get the correct one. In general, it comes down to price, fabric and filling

For many, price is one of the deciding factors in whether or not they will buy a particular duvet. Luckily, there is a large variety in every price range, so even the lowest price point should still have a decent selection of colors and designs. However, it is important to know the lesser expensive duvet covers will likely be made of and filled with an artificial fabric like polyester or microfibre. Some people have an aversion to these fabrics, but many do not even notice the difference.

The main fabrics used in duvets are cotton, silk, satin, polyester and microfiber. The first three in this list are likely to be more expensive (especially if they are 100% pure) but the latter two are usually more affordable. Cotton is the most popular and practical choice, mostly because it is so durable, versatile, and easy to maintain. Satin and silk are the more luxurious fabrics of the lot, but they are often considered an acquired taste. Because they are so lightweight and slippery, they don’t work well in colder climates, but are perfect for warmer environments where only a light blanket would be needed.

Many lower quality luxury duvets are filled with polyester or some other down alternative, but the higher quality duvets are often filled with down, which is made of goose feathers. Down duvets is very insulating and perfect for cold environments, but it can be an issue for people who allergies. Also, because down is made of feathers, it can sometimes become a problem when the tips of the feathers poke out of the fabric. This can be avoided if the duvet is padded.

Once you have settled on the price, fabric, and filling, be sure to choose microfibre duvets that complements the theme and feel of your room. Hopefully, it will be something you happily sleep under for years to come.

A Quick Guide to Buying Cotton Bed Sheets

Gone are the days when you buy bed sheets based simply on the size of the bed. Nowadays, there are more options than you can imagine. The options can be quite confusing, but they don’t have to be—all you have to do is remember one thing: thread count.

What is thread count?

The thread count a measurement of the density of the fabric, how closely the stitches are made. The higher the thread count, the softer the fabric. The lower the thread count, the rougher the fabric will feel. The quality will also be poorer.

Of course, better quality costs more money, so expect to pay more for higher thread counts (over 600). Cotton bed sheets with lower thread counts make great “starter” sheets for college students, children’s beds or budgeting newlyweds, but they will show signs of wear quickly. It is best to buy many pairs you can rotate. This will slow the deterioration.

However, if you’ve got the money and demand the best in sheet quality, it is good to invest in high thread count sheets. They will be a joy to sleep on and will last much longer.

If you are concerned about your health and the environment, organic cotton sheets is a good choice. The cotton in most sheets is bleached and processed. This wears on the environment and leaves the customer sleeping on chemical-laden fabric. Organic cotton sheets haven’t been bleached and are much easier on the environment. Because of the lack of bleaching, the coloring usually isn’t as bright and vivid, but this is rarely a problem for people who are genuinely invested in health and green living.

It is possible to find cotton bed sheets in nearly every color and patterns imaginable, so there should be little to no problem finding the right kind for your personal and financial needs.

Trouble Sleeping? Consider a Heavenly Memory Foam Mattress Topper

Good sleep is vital, and when you don’t get it, your health and productivity can really be affected. One way to improve your sleep is to ensure you are sleeping on the right type of mattress. The wrong mattress can leave you sore and dissatisfied the next morning. No one wants that.

Memory foam mattresses can be quite expensive, and while they are a worthwhile investment, they do not always fit into the budgets of those looking for save. That’s where memory foam mattress toppers come in. They are a fraction of the price, but offer up similar benefits.

Memory foam forms to your specific body, so two different people could use it and it would respond differently depending on their needs. This ensures that the mattress supports you in all the right places. Following are three memory foam mattress toppers that are sure to hit the spot.

2” Memory Foam Mattress Topper
The most affordable of the lot, this mattress topper is great for someone on a very restricted budget or anyone who is unsure about their interest in foam mattress toppers. Relatively speaking, these are on the thinner side, but they are thick enough to make a difference in your sleeping experience. If your bed is full or queen size, be sure to purchase one that is marked “double.” Single mattress toppers are also available, but they only fit a single-size bed.

3” Memory Foam Mattress Topper
People with back and neck problems would do well with a 3” memory foam mattress topper. Because it is more expensive than the 2 inch topper, it is a good idea to purchase one that comes with a removable cover.

4” Memory Foam Mattress Topper
If you are looking for the ultimate experience in memory foam mattress toppers, a 4 inch topper is the way to go. It is one of the deepest toppers you’ll find, and it is ideal for particularly heavy individuals who need extra support.

All of the mattress toppers listed here can be found online and in-store.

Dump the Back Pain with Memory Foam Mattresses

Millions of people suffer night after night with back pain. It’s common throughout the world, but one technology has promised to help – memory foam mattresses. Can one material really do so much for so many people, though?

Put simply, absolutely.
There’s quite a bit of science that stands behind memory foam technology, but the reality is that you don't have to understand the science behind the memory foam creation, but as the saying goes, you can feel the difference. Even by sitting or lying down on a test mattress, you can feel the stress lift off your bones. You can literally breathe a sigh of relief on a memory foam mattress. The benefits are numerous. They can help improve sleep patterns by offering longer, more comfortable periods of rest. Above all else, though, is the fact that they’re great for people with ongoing back pain. 

If you're in the market for a new mattress and you need to alleviate your bodily woes, which is the best mattress for back pain? The best mattress prevents against one of the leading problems for back pain: sagging. When a mattress sags, the buildup of pain becomes more and more evident as time goes on. If this sounds like you, changing what you sleep on could prove to be advantageous in the future.

Memory foam has been clinically proven to eliminate those painful pressure points so many find detrimental to their sleep cycles. It curves along with your body, cradling you in perfect softness as you drift off to sleep. Even if you’ve never had a single day of back pain in your life, this is certainly one option you’ll want to consider for a better night of sleep, every single night. 

Back pain doesn’t have to be part of your life when you consider best memory foam mattress. Find the right solution to your pain now.

Can a New Mattress Help My Back Pain?

You’ve seen mattress commercials that claim their products can improve back pain. You’re interested, but skeptical. Can a different memory foam mattress really help? The answer is yes, a new mattress (if it is the right kind) can help relieve your back pain. In fact, your old mattress could be the actual cause of your back pain.

These days, mattresses are made in many ways with many different types of material, but the traditional and still-most-popular mattress type is the box spring. These are filled with a series of metal springs of varying densities. For many people, these work just fine, but for those with sensitive backs or preexisting back conditions, they can cause problems. Instead of supporting the back in the way it needs, it causes pain by activating pressure points.

The right foam mattress can alleviate mattress-related pain and help reduce other pains. It’s all about proper support. Memory foam mattress made of, air, and customizable mechanical parts can cater to your exact needs—even if those needs change over time!
All of these mattresses are different and have their own list of pros and cons, but the basic idea behind them is that they do not provide a one-size-fits-all sleeping surface. They bend and give depending on the curve and weight of the sleeper. This allows each part of your body to experience the optimal amount of pressure.

Sleep is far too important to overall health for it to be ruined by a poor mattress. Yes, box springs are often the most affordable options, but the financial savings are not worth it if you are sacrificing your back. Things like stress, posture, and physical activity area already known culprits for back pain. Do not add to it by sleeping on the wrong mattress. Invest in a higher quality mattress and feel the difference.